


엔트리브 소프트

안녕하세요. CLR에 오랜만에 하나를 올리는 듯하네요.
강좌를 목표로 하지 않고 실무에 필요한 것을 하나 하나 만들고 적용하다 보니 그렇습니다.
그리고 Database & C#의 수준이 한층 높아졌을 꺼라는 아니면 관심도라도 높아졌으리라는 희망을 가져봅니다.

이번 강좌는 sql2005에서 제공하는 User Defined Type(사용자정의데이터형)을 만들어볼까 합니다.

User Defined Type을 C#에서 만드시려면 C#에서 Datatype에 대한 옵션을 줄 때 
Optimiser에 대한 간략한 이해가 선행이 되면 훨씬 좋구요.
또한 DataType이기에 Transaction Isolation에 대한 이해도 선행되면 훨씬 좋을 듯합니다.

그럼 C#코드와 SQL 코드의 샘플들입니다.

using System;

using System.Xml;

using System.Data.Sql;

using System.Data.SqlTypes;

using System.Globalization;

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;


[assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1020:AvoidNamespacesWithFewTypes", Scope = "namespace", Target = "Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer")]


namespace Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer



    [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlUserDefinedType(Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.Format.UserDefined, IsByteOrdered = true, MaxByteSize = 8000)]


    public class Utf8String : INullable, IComparable, Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.IBinarySerialize



        public static Utf8String Parse(SqlString sqlString)


            if (sqlString.IsNull)

                return Utf8String.Null;


            return new Utf8String(sqlString.Value);



        public SqlBinary Utf8Bytes




                if (this.IsNull)

                    return SqlBinary.Null;


                if (this.m_Bytes != null)

                    return this.m_Bytes;


                if (this.m_String != null)


                    this.m_Bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this.m_String);

                    return new SqlBinary(this.m_Bytes);



                throw new NotSupportedException("cannot return bytes for empty instance");




                if (value.IsNull)


                    this.m_Bytes = null;

                    this.m_String = null;




                    this.m_Bytes = value.Value;

                    this.m_String = null;





        [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMethod(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true, DataAccess = Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.DataAccessKind.None, SystemDataAccess = Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SystemDataAccessKind.None)]

        public override string ToString()


            if (this.IsNull)

                return null;


            if (this.m_String != null)

                return this.m_String;


            if (this.m_Bytes != null)


                this.m_String = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(this.m_Bytes);

                return this.m_String;



            throw new NotSupportedException("dont know how to return string from empty instance");




        public SqlString ToSqlString()


            if (this.IsNull)

                return SqlString.Null;


            return new SqlString(this.ToString());




        private SqlString GetSortKeyUsingCultureInternal(CultureInfo culture, bool ignoreCase,

            bool ignoreNonSpace, bool ignoreWidth)


            if (this.IsNull)

                return SqlString.Null;


            SqlCompareOptions compareOptions = SqlCompareOptions.None;

            if (ignoreCase)

                compareOptions = compareOptions | SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreCase;


            if (ignoreNonSpace)

                compareOptions = compareOptions | SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace;


            if (ignoreWidth)

                compareOptions = compareOptions | SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreWidth;


            return new SqlString(this.ToString(), culture.LCID, compareOptions);



        [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMethod(IsDeterministic = true, IsPrecise = true)]

        public SqlString GetSortKeyUsingCulture(string cultureName, bool ignoreCase,

            bool ignoreNonSpace, bool ignoreWidth)


            CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(cultureName);

            if (culture == null)

                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(


                    "Culture {0} not recognized.", cultureName));


            return this.GetSortKeyUsingCultureInternal(culture, ignoreCase,

                ignoreNonSpace, ignoreWidth);



        [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMethod(IsDeterministic = false)]

        public SqlString GetSortKey(bool ignoreCase, bool ignoreNonSpace, bool ignoreWidth)


            return this.GetSortKeyUsingCultureInternal(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,

                ignoreCase, ignoreNonSpace, ignoreWidth);




        #region comparison operators

        public override bool Equals(object obj)


            return this.CompareTo(obj) == 0;



        public static bool operator ==(Utf8String utf8String, Utf8String other)


            return utf8String.Equals(other);



        public static bool operator !=(Utf8String utf8String, Utf8String other)


            return !(utf8String == other);



        public static bool operator <(Utf8String utf8String, Utf8String other)


            return (utf8String.CompareTo(other) < 0);



        public static bool operator >(Utf8String utf8String, Utf8String other)


            return (utf8String.CompareTo(other) > 0);



        private int CompareUsingCultureInternal(Utf8String other, CultureInfo culture, bool ignoreCase,

            bool ignoreNonSpace, bool ignoreWidth)


            if (other == null)

                return 1;


            if (this.IsNull)

                if (other.IsNull)

                    return 0;


                    return -1;


            if (other.IsNull)

                return 1;


            return this.GetSortKeyUsingCultureInternal(culture, ignoreCase, ignoreNonSpace,

                ignoreWidth).CompareTo(other.GetSortKeyUsingCultureInternal(culture, ignoreCase,

                ignoreNonSpace, ignoreWidth));



        public int CompareUsingCulture(Utf8String other, string cultureName, bool ignoreCase,

            bool ignoreNonSpace, bool ignoreWidth)


            CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(cultureName);

            if (culture == null)

                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(


                    "Culture {0} not recognized.", cultureName));


            return this.CompareUsingCultureInternal(other, culture, ignoreCase,

                ignoreNonSpace, ignoreWidth);



        public int Compare(Utf8String other, bool ignoreCase,

            bool ignoreNonSpace, bool ignoreWidth)


            return this.CompareUsingCultureInternal(other, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, ignoreCase,

                ignoreNonSpace, ignoreWidth);



        public override int GetHashCode()


            if (this.IsNull)

                return 0;


            return this.ToString().GetHashCode();



        public int CompareTo(object obj)


            if (obj == null)

                return 1;


            Utf8String s = obj as Utf8String;


            if (s == null)

                throw new ArgumentException("the argument to compare is not a Utf8String");


            if (this.IsNull)


                if (s.IsNull)

                    return 0;


                return -1;



            if (s.IsNull)

                return 1;


            return this.ToString().CompareTo(s.ToString());





        #region private state and constructors

        private string m_String;


        private byte[] m_Bytes;


        public Utf8String(string value)


            this.m_String = value;



        public Utf8String(byte[] bytes)


            this.m_Bytes = bytes;




        #region UserDefinedType boilerplate code


        public bool IsNull




                return this.m_String == null && this.m_Bytes == null;




        public static Utf8String Null




                Utf8String str = new Utf8String((string)null);


                return str;




        public Utf8String()





        #region IBinarySerialize Members

        public void Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter w)


            byte header = (byte)(this.IsNull ? 1 : 0);



            if (header == 1)



            byte[] bytes = this.Utf8Bytes.Value;






        public void Read(System.IO.BinaryReader r)


            byte header = r.ReadByte();


            if ((header & 1) > 0)


                this.m_Bytes = null;




            int length = r.ReadInt32();


            this.m_Bytes = r.ReadBytes(length);





조금 어렵죠? 저는 이런 복잡한 것은 ㅋ , SQL2005에서 이미 제공하는 UDT입니다.

use youlyDB


DECLARE @u1 Utf8String

       , @u2  Utf8String


select @u1 = CONVERT(Utf8String, ',“')

       , @u2 = CONVERT(Utf8String, ', “')


select PATINDEX('%,%', @u1.ToString())

       , PATINDEX('%,%', @u2.ToString())





Create Table utfTest(u Utf8String)



insert into utfTest values (cast('SQLLeader.Com' as Utf8String))





       , u.ToString()

       , u.Utf8Bytes

from utfTest

참고 파일 : Utf8String.cs


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