

SQL Server 2005에서 대기(Wait)를 점검하는데 사용할 수 있는 저장 프로시저 스크립트입니다.


사용하시기 전에 주석 내용 꼭 읽어 보시구요.




IF EXISTS (SELECT * from sys.objects where OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[track_waitstats_2005]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

 DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[track_waitstats_2005]


CREATE proc [dbo].[track_waitstats_2005] (@num_samples int=10

               ,@delay_interval int=1

               ,@delay_type nvarchar(10)='minutes'

               ,@TRUNCATE_history nvarchar(1)='N'

               ,@clear_waitstats nvarchar(1)='Y')



-- This stored procedure is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

-- Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specIFied at http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyright.htm


-- T. Davidson

-- @num_samples is the number of times to capture waitstats, default is 10 times

-- default delay interval is 1 minute

-- delaynum is the delay interval - can be minutes or seconds

-- delaytype specIFies whether the delay interval is minutes or seconds

-- CREATE waitstats TABLE IF it doesn't exist, otherwise TRUNCATE

-- Revision: 4/19/05

--- (1) added object owner qualIFier

--- (2) optional parameters to TRUNCATE history and clear waitstats

             SET NOCOUNT ON

             IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from sys.objects where OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID ( N'[dbo].[waitstats]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID, N'IsUserTABLE') = 1)

              CREATE TABLE [dbo].[waitstats]


                                        [wait_type] nvarchar(60) NOT NULL,

                                        [waiting_tasks_count] bigint NOT NULL,

                                        [wait_time_ms] bigint NOT NULL,

                                        [max_wait_time_ms] bigint NOT NULL,

                                        [signal_wait_time_ms] bigint NOT NULL,

                                        now datetime NOT NULL default getdate()


             IF LOWER(@TRUNCATE_history) NOT IN (N'y',N'n')


                           RAISERROR ('valid @TRUNCATE_history values are ''y'' or ''n''',16,1) WITH NOWAIT


             IF LOWER(@clear_waitstats) NOT IN (N'y',N'n')


                           RAISERROR ('valid @clear_waitstats values are ''y'' or ''n''',16,1) WITH NOWAIT


             IF LOWER(@TRUNCATE_history) = N'y'

              TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.waitstats


             IF LOWER (@clear_waitstats) = N'y'

              DBCC sqlperf ([sys.dm_os_wait_stats],clear) with no_infomsgs -- clear out waitstats


             DECLARE @i int,@delay varchar(8),@dt varchar(3), @now datetime, @totalwait numeric(20,1)

              ,@ENDtime datetime,@BEGINtime datetime

              ,@hr int, @min int, @sec int

             SELECT @i = 1

             SELECT @dt = CASE LOWER(@delay_type)

              WHEN N'minutes' THEN 'm'

              WHEN N'minute' THEN 'm'

              WHEN N'min' THEN 'm'

              WHEN N'mi' THEN 'm'

              WHEN N'n' THEN 'm'

              WHEN N'm' THEN 'm'

              WHEN N'seconds' THEN 's'

              WHEN N'second' THEN 's'

              WHEN N'sec' THEN 's'

              WHEN N'ss' THEN 's'

              WHEN N's' THEN 's'

              ELSE @delay_type


             IF @dt NOT IN ('s','m')


              RAISERROR ('delay type must be either ''seconds'' or ''minutes''',16,1) WITH NOWAIT



             IF @dt = 's'


              SELECT @sec = @delay_interval % 60, @min = CAST((@delay_interval / 60) as int), @hr = CAST((@min / 60) as int)


             IF @dt = 'm'


              SELECT @sec = 0, @min = @delay_interval % 60, @hr = CAST((@delay_interval / 60) as int)


             SELECT @delay= RIGHT('0'+ convert(varchar(2),@hr),2) + ':' +

              + RIGHT('0'+convert(varchar(2),@min),2) + ':' +

              + RIGHT('0'+convert(varchar(2),@sec),2)

             IF @hr > 23 or @min > 59 or @sec > 59


              SELECT 'delay interval and type: ' + convert (varchar(10),@delay_interval) + ',' + @delay_type + ' converts to ' + @delay

              RAISERROR ('hh:mm:ss delay time canNOT > 23:59:59',16,1) WITH NOWAIT



             WHILE (@i <= @num_samples)


                SELECT @now = getdate()

                                                     insert into [dbo].[waitstats] ([wait_type], [waiting_tasks_count], [wait_time_ms], [max_wait_time_ms], [signal_wait_time_ms], now)

                SELECT [wait_type], [waiting_tasks_count], [wait_time_ms], [max_wait_time_ms], [signal_wait_time_ms], @now

                           from sys.dm_os_wait_stats

                insert into [dbo].[waitstats] ([wait_type], [waiting_tasks_count], [wait_time_ms], [max_wait_time_ms], [signal_wait_time_ms], now)

                           SELECT 'Total',SUM([waiting_tasks_count]), SUM([wait_time_ms]), 0, SUM([signal_wait_time_ms]),@now

                           from [dbo].[waitstats]

                           where now = @now

                SELECT @i = @i + 1

                waitfor delay @delay


--- CREATE waitstats report

EXECUTE dbo.get_waitstats_2005



CREATE proc [dbo].[get_waitstats_2005] (
                @report_format varchar(20)='all', 
                @report_order varchar(20)='resource')
-- This stored procedure is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and 
-- confers no rights. 
-- Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at 
-- http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyright.htm
-- this proc will create waitstats report listing wait types by 
-- percentage. 
--     (1) total wait time is the sum of resource & signal waits, 
--            @report_format='all' reports resource & signal
--    (2) Basics of execution model (simplified)
--        a. spid is running then needs unavailable resource, moves to 
--         resource wait list at time T0
--        b. a signal indicates resource available, spid moves to 
--         runnable queue at time T1
--        c. spid awaits running status until T2 as cpu works its way
--         through runnable queue in order of arrival
--    (3) resource wait time is the actual time waiting for the
--        resource to be available, T1-T0
--    (4) signal wait time is the time it takes from the point the 
--        resource is available (T1)
--        to the point in which the process is running again at T2. 
--        Thus, signal waits are T2-T1
--    (5) Key questions: Are Resource and Signal time significant?
--        a. Highest waits indicate the bottleneck you need to solve 
--          for scalability
--        b. Generally if you have LOW% SIGNAL WAITS, the CPU is 
--         handling the workload e.g. spids spend move through 
--         runnable queue quickly
--        c. HIGH % SIGNAL WAITS indicates CPU can't keep up, 
--         significant time for spids to move up the runnable queue 
--         to reach running status
--     (6) This proc can be run when track_waitstats is executing
-- Revision 4/19/2005
-- (1) add computation for CPU Resource Waits = Sum(signal waits / 
--                                    total waits)
-- (2) add @report_order parm to allow sorting by resource, signal 
--     or total waits
set nocount on

declare @now datetime, 
        @totalwait numeric(20,1), 
        @totalsignalwait numeric(20,1), 
        @totalresourcewait numeric(20,1),
        @endtime datetime,@begintime datetime,
        @hr int, 
        @min int, 
        @sec int

if not exists (select 1 
                from sysobjects 
                where id = object_id ( N'[dbo].[waitstats]') and 
                      OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
        raiserror('Error [dbo].[waitstats] table does not exist',
                 16, 1) with nowait

if lower(@report_format) not in ('all','detail','simple')
        raiserror ('@report_format must be either ''all'',
                    ''detail'', or ''simple''',16,1) with nowait
if lower(@report_order) not in ('resource','signal','total')
        raiserror ('@report_order must be either ''resource'', 
            ''signal'', or ''total''',16,1) with nowait
if lower(@report_format) = 'simple' and lower(@report_order) <> 'total'
        raiserror ('@report_format is simple so order defaults to 
                        16,1) with nowait
        select @report_order = 'total'

from [dbo].[waitstats] 
where [wait_type] = 'Total'

--- subtract waitfor, sleep, and resource_queue from Total
select @totalwait = sum([wait_time_ms]) + 1, @totalsignalwait = 
sum([signal_wait_time_ms]) + 1 
from waitstats 
where [wait_type] not in (
        'Total' ,'WAITFOR', 
        '***total***') and 
    now = @now

select @totalresourcewait = 1 + @totalwait - @totalsignalwait

-- insert adjusted totals, rank by percentage descending
delete waitstats 
where [wait_type] = '***total***' and 
now = @now

insert into waitstats 

select 'start time'=@begintime,'end time'=@endtime,
       'duration (hh:mm:ss:ms)'=convert(varchar(50),@endtime-
       'report format'=@report_format, 'report order'=@report_order

if lower(@report_format) in ('all','detail') 
----- format=detail, column order is resource, signal, total. order by 
resource desc
    if lower(@report_order) = 'resource'
        select [wait_type],[waiting_tasks_count],
            'Resource wt (T1-T0)'=[wait_time_ms]-[signal_wait_time_ms],
            'res_wt_%'=cast (100*([wait_time_ms] - 
                    [signal_wait_time_ms]) /@totalresourcewait as 
            'Signal wt (T2-T1)'=[signal_wait_time_ms],
            'sig_wt_%'=cast (100*[signal_wait_time_ms]/@totalsignalwait as 
            'Total wt (T2-T0)'=[wait_time_ms],
            'wt_%'=cast (100*[wait_time_ms]/@totalwait as numeric(20,1))
        from waitstats 
        where [wait_type] not in (
                'WAITFOR') and
                now = @now
        order by 'res_wt_%' desc

----- format=detail, column order signal, resource, total. order by signal
    if lower(@report_order) = 'signal'
        select    [wait_type],
                'Signal wt (T2-T1)'=[signal_wait_time_ms],
                'sig_wt_%'=cast (100*[signal_wait_time_ms]/@totalsignalwait 
                as numeric(20,1)),
                'Resource wt (T1-T0)'=[wait_time_ms]-[signal_wait_time_ms],
                'res_wt_%'=cast (100*([wait_time_ms] - 
                        [signal_wait_time_ms]) /@totalresourcewait as 
                'Total wt (T2-T0)'=[wait_time_ms],
                'wt_%'=cast (100*[wait_time_ms]/@totalwait as 
        from waitstats 
        where [wait_type] not in (
                    'WAITFOR') and
                    now = @now
        order by 'sig_wt_%' desc

----- format=detail, column order total, resource, signal. order by total
    if lower(@report_order) = 'total'
            'Total wt (T2-T0)'=[wait_time_ms],
            'wt_%'=cast (100*[wait_time_ms]/@totalwait as numeric(20,1)),
            'Resource wt (T1-T0)'=[wait_time_ms]-[signal_wait_time_ms],
            'res_wt_%'=cast (100*([wait_time_ms] - 
                [signal_wait_time_ms]) /@totalresourcewait as numeric(20,1)),
            'Signal wt (T2-T1)'=[signal_wait_time_ms],
            'sig_wt_%'=cast (100*[signal_wait_time_ms]/@totalsignalwait as
        from waitstats 
        where [wait_type] not in (
                'WAITFOR') and
                now = @now
        order by 'wt_%' desc
---- simple format, total waits only
        percentage=cast (100*[wait_time_ms]/@totalwait as numeric(20,1))
    from waitstats 
    where [wait_type] not in (
                    'WAITFOR') and
                now = @now
    order by percentage desc

---- compute cpu resource waits
    'total waits'=[wait_time_ms],
    'total signal=CPU waits'=[signal_wait_time_ms],
    'CPU resource waits % = signal waits / total waits'=
            cast (100*[signal_wait_time_ms]/[wait_time_ms] as
from [dbo].[waitstats]
where [wait_type] = '***total***'
order by now

EXEC dbo.track_waitstats_2005 @num_samples=20








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